2008년 3월 17일 월요일

[Summary] 3/12, 3/14

Usually we can hear the word 'IT', but a person didn't know what's mean about 'IT'. Even though there are same people in Soongsil university in IT-college. It is why I'm enrolled this lecture and motivation. so, I have to study, what is it and what it's mean.
At the first class, like in my curiousness, the article of "welcome to the present" is stimulate to my curiousness. If technique is developing, present also far a way at the same time. stone written this article with many example. The text is written english so, it is not easy for me to read, but through lecture I'm more understand.
Next time we learned "As we may think", it is so interested article. Especially, "memex" is so mavelous. "memex" is operating system to write, communicate and save by many books with speedily and flexibility process. It can make one infor-book that collecting need information. I'm considering mans. so I think. if I have this one, how I using it? I think, stone and bush article expression about technique something to do.
I have spended time about what is technique and understand about it. The lecture is doing in english so, a little hard for me to understanding perfectly. But, I'm more expect about improve my english skill and understand text. I'm looking forward to next class and this semester.

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